Saturday, August 28, 2010

From Jack Marin - Pets, Your Responsibility

Why my grandchildren cannot play around my house:

My granddaughters and I were walking the area around my house, which includes the pond, when one of them bent down and put her hands in a grassy patch. I noticed it was wet on the concrete that surrounded this patch of grass and realized it was the result of one of the dogs urinating. I quickly rushed them into the house trying to keep them from touching parts of their body until I could get their hands thoroughly washed.

When I purchased my house I paid extra for the pond view and still pay higher real estate taxes for that same view. They didn't tell me that what I thought was a scenic pond was really the sewer system for all of the pets (dogs) in the area. I cannot sit down to a meal in my kitchen, which overlooks the pond, without having at least one dog defecate and urinate in front of me. To their credit their owners never fail to bag the results, but, that does not enhance my ambiance. Of course when we have company over they get to enjoy the same ambiance. I should also point out that the constant urinating does damage the grass and landscaping, my view.

The Association has tried sending emails, but, clearly that does not work. I suggested putting up signs, but, that was turned down by the board. I agree with the last association email that requested that owners have their loved pets complete their bathroom needs on their own property and then take the walk. I wonder what they find objectionable about their pets defecating and urinating on or near their own environment?

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